The Center offers state of the art mental health education training, workshops and webinars in person and virtual. The Full Circle style is culturally sensitive, informative, interactive and trainees take away implementable skills to help empower, encourage and change.
Please email us at to discuss how we can help and develop a workshop or training program just for you or your organization.
mental wellness OUTDOORS program
We are advocates of getting outside and enjoying the fresh air. Studies have shown that consistent outside activities like walking, running, or simply enjoying a nice breeze on the patio lowers this risk of depression and assists with better stress recovery. We’ve created a Mental Wellness Outdoors Program that ranges from yearly walk-a-thons to raise mental wellness awareness to monthly outdoor support groups for camping excursions and COVID-19 safe events.
Further research shows that in just a few minutes after enjoying some fresh air during a walk can have amazing health benefits, including increased positive brain activity in the pleasure sensors of the brain. To learn more about our Mental Wellness Outdoors Program please feel free to email or contact us.
To sign up and become part of our WALKING OFF THE SHAME community, Please sign up below.
You will get weekly reminders to walk for mental wellness and track your progress.
Sports Programming Mental Health Support
A training program that focuses on building necessary skills for aspiring athletes including but not limited to teamwork, leadership skills, reframing of failure/defeat, perseverance, responsibility, resilience in the face of adversity and mental peak performance development.
Mind over Matter: Mental Peak Performance Program for Female Athletes
Training and Coaching support for today’s young female athletes preparing and supporting them to be more confident, self-aware, build self-esteem through focused mental health and peak performance programming. Athletes leave stronger and more aware of the power of their mental wellness.
R.E.S.T. (Relax, Enjoy, Smile and Time Out)
A 3-week stress management and resiliency training program for Parents with children 0-3.
Depression, Anxiety, Trauma
A training program that focuses on three of the most common mental health conditions – depression, anxiety, and trauma. This program educates participants about these conditions and aims to push out the stigma that may be surrounding these conditions. Participants will be able to recognize the common signs and symptoms, as well as learn how to effectively manage and cope with them.
Working with Domestic Violence Survivors
A training program that provides education on the skills necessary to work effectively and compassionately with domestic violence survivors — using a multicultural lens.
Suicide Prevention
A training for Youth and Families that reviews signs of suicide and how to help support someone at risk.
Culturally Competent Anger Management & Conflict Resolution
A training program that focuses on managing anger and practicing culturally sensitive conflict resolution in multiple settings (occupational and interpersonal relationships).
From Fear to Faith Skills Training
Learn how to manage and effectively deal with fear and everyday stressors through a spiritual/faith-based lens.
Men, Fatherhood, and Mental Health
A training program that aims to educate participants about men’s mental health. The program will explore the many factors impacting men’s mental health and the possible impact mental health may have on their roles in life – including fatherhood.
Faith-Based Recovery Programs
Learn how faith may be an important tool in your recovery toolbox. This workshop focuses on incorporating faith in recovery programs.
Diversity, Inclusion, Tolerance, and Mental Health
A training that ensures participants acquire the skills necessary for culturally competent care and management. Participants will learn the importance of diversity, inclusion, tolerance, and mental health across various settings.
Eliminating Stigma, Shame, and other Barriers to Mental Health Treatment
A training that discusses common barriers to mental health treatment — such as stigma and shame — and how to overcome them.
Understanding the Role of Culture and Faith in the Urban Mental Health Context
Learn how culture and faith affect mental health in complex environments typically packed with stressors, such as urban settings. This training program dives into the different dynamics in urban settings and the challenges they pose to mental health.
Understanding the Impact of Poverty, Racism, and Discrimination on Mental Health of Children and Underserved Families
Learn how poverty, racism and discrimination can impact the mental health of children and underserved families. This program will also provide tips on how to address and best minimize this impact on children and families in this community.
Child and Adolescent Mental Health & Wellbeing in Urban Context
A training that explores the dynamics and intricacies of city life and how they can affect child and adolescent mental health and wellbeing.
Depression and Suicide Prevention in Children, Adolescents, and Underserved Families
A training that focuses on recognizing depression in children, adolescents, and families in underserved communities. Participants will also learn how to successfully implement suicide prevention skills in this population.
Motivational Interviewing
A training that teaches motivational interviewing skills and how to implement them for various purposes and settings.
Mental Health Basics: Mental Health First Aid
Learn all the basics of mental health first aid delivery. This training covers mental health first aid basic skills, and when and how to apply them appropriately.
Understanding Trauma
A training program that is dedicated entirely to understanding trauma; its possible causes/triggers, its signs and symptoms, and management/treatment options available.
Please consider becoming a volunteer, or instructor. Contact us if you are interested and have experience and skills in the following areas
Outreach Experience
Administrative Experience
Board Member Recruitment
Program Development Support
Data Entry Support
Mental Health Education Programming
Research and Grant Writing Support