The Center offers state of the art mental health education training, workshops and webinars in person and virtual. The Full Circle style is culturally sensitive, informative, interactive and trainees take away implementable skills to help empower, encourage and change. Contact us at this email for more information
mental wellness OUTDOORS program
We are advocates of getting outside and enjoying the fresh air. Studies have shown that consistent outside activities like walking, running, or simply enjoying a nice breeze on the patio lowers this risk of depression and assists with better stress recovery.
To learn more about our Mental Wellness Outdoors Program please feel free to email or contact us.

available PROGRAMS
- Sports Programming Mental Health Support
- College Athletes Support
- Mind over Matter: Mental Peak Performance Program for Female Athletes
- R.E.S.T. (Restore, empower support transform ) stress management for parents
- Depression, Anxiety, Trauma
- Domestic Violence Survivors Work
- Suicide Prevention
- Anger Management & Conflict Resolution
- From Fear to Faith Skills Training
- Diversity, Inclusion, Tolerance, and Mental Health
- Eliminating Stigma, Shame, and other Barriers to Mental Health Treatment
- Understanding the Impact of Poverty, Racism, and Discrimination on Mental Health
- Depression and Suicide Prevention in Children, Adolescents, and Underserved Families
- Motivational Interviewing
- Mental Health Basics: Mental Health First Aid
- Understanding Trauma
Interested in volunteering? Contact us at